The AI Institute for Gastroenterology

Please return to Christine Pondelicek at [email protected] by Friday, July 12, 2024

Program Structure

The program will consist of both in-person meetings and virtual educational opportunities, including didactic lectures, hands-on training, literature review, mentorship and a team research project in collaboration with researchers, data scientists, gastroenterologists in this space. Scholars will receive an ASGE Certificate for successful completion of the AI Scholars Program.

ASGE will cover travel costs to attend the AI Summit in September 2024 and the Hands-On Workshop in January 2025. Participants are expected to attend DDW 2025 at their own expense.  This program represents a major investment in talent development for ASGE and requires full participation.



Visual Orientation

September 6-7

Scholars Weekend Program (In-Person)
Scholars Networking Dinner
AI Summit


ASGE Masterclass: AI 101 On Demand
Virtual Discussion

Receive AI Project Details and Project Coach


Journal Article Review Series Part 1 and Virtual Discussion with the authors and expert computer scientists


Industry Webinar


January 18

Day and a half Workshop (In-Person) at ASGE IT&T


Journal Article Review Series Part 2:  Virtual Discussion with the authors and experts


Industry Webinar


Virtual Meeting to Present Projects


2025 AI Workshop Presentations

DDW Networking Dinner

Please include with this form:

  1. Short curriculum vitae or resume of your nominee (no more than 4 pages)
  2. Letter of Recommendation: Summary of relevant activities indicating why you believe you should be selected as a participant in the ASGE AI Scholars Program. A letter from the nominee’s research / career mentor or program director. The letter should be cosigned by the program director / division chief to support the nominees.